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Strip Jarvis with Zayda and Amber Heavens 10/18/2011
What the heck is Jarvis, you ask? Hang on a sec, I'll get to that. There's backstory to this game. For the full details, see our blog at, but in a nutshell, Amber Heavens (formerly known as Naomi, formerly known as Kat) had retired from being in front of the camera, but she really really wanted to go to a particular concert. I, on the other hand, really really wanted to see her eat pussy, which she in turn really really didn't want to do, so we made a bet. One fair game, vs. Zayda, and if she lost, she'd be down on the ground munching carpet. I ran a poll on the blog asking whether they should play a game of skill or a game of chance. Chance won 57%-42%, so I came up with Jarvis. One girl is black cards, the other is red cards. The cards are spread out facedown, and the girls take turns drawing cards until three of one color are drawn, and that girl has to strip. Or, more accurately, that girl gets stripped by the other girl.

London, Wednesday, and Kimberly play Strip Super Surgery 10/18/2011
Been awhile since we've seen these three, I figured it was time for some more of them. This game isn't regular Surgery, it's a new variant of Surgery which I found on my last excursion to the toy store and decided to name Super Surgery. In this variant, you hear the patient's heart beat as you work, and sometimes you hear it speed up and get erratic. When that happens, you need to press an "oxygen" button to calm him down, or you lose. (I think I prefer the original, though. When you touch the sides in this one, it doesn't rattle and shake, making the girls jump and squeal, like to original.) I really like the way this game turned out. The dynamic between the girls is great. The forfeit? Two naked losers answer the door for the pizza guy. As always when we've done these forfeits in the past, it's all genuine. This is a real pizza guy, not an actor, and he had no idea what he was in for when he set out to make this delivery. Good times. This was a close game... the winner just had one article of clothing left.

Strip Jester with Amber and Ashley 10/18/2011
Ah, what to say about this one? I've said in the past that sometimes, after a game is over, I'll feel like it didn't go very well and that the footage won't be very good, and then be surprised when I actually take a look at the footage. This is a special case of that... I didn't think it went very well, but going over the final video I can't for the life of me remember why I thought it didn't go very well. This one is hot as hell. The game is Jester, but that's not really important right now... this one's all about the forfeit. I supplied the girls with an assortment of vibrators, hogtie cuffs, and colored markers, and told the winner that she could do whatever she wanted to the loser for twenty minutes. She did. It was awesome.

Snip Memory with Zayda and Holly 10/18/2011
Introducing new girl Holly, playing Snip Memory against returning girl Zayda. New guy Dick and returning guy Franco are also in this one, although as scissors-wielding spectators rather than players. I need to say something about Holly. Actually, I'll let someone else say something about Holly: "I'm surprised she has enough brains to breathe. I'm surprised she doesn't drown in the shower." Nice girl, but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice, if you take my meaning. If you like 'em cute and stupid, Holly's your type. (Oh, you can probably throw "slutty" in the mix as well. Her protestations of "no, don't, I'm so embarrassed" whenever she loses sound really hollow.) This is Snip Memory, meaning that whenever a girl's clothing cards are matched, one of the guys gets to cut it off of her. (This means you want to match the other girl's cards, not your own... a concept a little too advanced for Holly to grasp, but frankly I think all of the ones she matched were a matter of sheer coincidence rather than skill, so it doesn't really matter.)

Penny and Samantha play Strip Dice 10/18/2011
So far, Penny has managed to escape nudity. Will her luck hold out again? She'd better hope so, for the loser of this one is going to get vibrated to ecstasy with the Magic Wand. A simple game of dice, low roller loses a piece of clothing... with the winner getting to take it off of the loser. Good luck, Samantha!

Strip Jarvis with Maia and Catherine 10/18/2011
Maia and Catherine return to finish off their set of three games. One girl is looking to complete the sweep, the other is looking to avoid getting skunked. They play a game of pure chance. If you don't remember, here's a quick refresher on Jarvis: one girl is red, the other is black. They take turns drawing cards from the deck. Best three out of five cards wins, and the other has to strip. To mix it up a little, I changed the rules slightly and added a joker. Drawing it means an instant win for the round. I don't usually do this (for fear of casting doubt on the games where I don't specifically mention this) but I wanted to emphasize that this game was played completely fairly. No matter how unusual or unlikely the outcome may seem, it was completely the luck of the draw.

Zayda plays Strip Rock-Paper-Scissors against YOU 10/18/2011
Here's another POV game, featuring popular and sexy Zayda playing against you in a traditional game of rock-paper-scissors. Not too much more to say about this one, other than that it's short and sweet, and the loser has to put on a show, exposing every part of his or her body, leaving no secrets and nothing to the imagination.

Strip Noname with Sammy and Julie 10/18/2011
Ah, Julie... sweet, innocent Julie. A fan favorite, and one of my personal favorites as well. Cute, shy, and strawberry blonde, what's not to like? (Although I don't want to take anything away from her opponent, smokin' hot redhead Sammy.) When I first met Julie, she wouldn't even risk opening her legs for the camera. Gradually I've been able to talk her into putting more and more daring forfeits on the line, but I still can't believe I was able to talk her into this one. I you not about this: she was only willing to risk getting her pussy vibrated by Sammy on the condition that I not film it. I was not allowed in the room. Instead, Prudella operated one camera while the other sat stationary on a tripod. So if you've got issues with the videography, take it up with Prudie and Julie. There was, however, somebody else in the room while the forfeit was being performed, but I won't spoil it for you

The Pizza Trilogy, Episode I 10/18/2011
Presenting the first of three games featuring forfeits involving very lucky pizza delivery guys. As with all our pizza-guy forfeits so far, these are real pizza guys delivering real pizzas. No actors, no phony-baloney. This sort of thing never happened to me when I delivered pizzas. Amber, Sassy, and Kandie play basketball to determine which two will do the honors.

Ice Race with Mo and Lola 10/18/2011
This is only the second Ice Race we've had at (the first one was all the way back at episode 127) but it won't be the last... these things are invariably hilarious. Two girls, clad in only bra and panties. One hotel room. One ice machine, not terribly close to the room. Two empty buckets. First girl to fill her bucket with ice wins. Of course, she has nothing to carry the ice in, except her underwear, so she has to stuff it as full as possible before making a mad dash back to the room to dump the ice into the bucket. Repeat until one girl wins, and two girls are very cold and wet. The loser gets her clothes stripped off while the winner doodles our slogan on her back, then covers her nipples with duct tape and her crotch with a thong, and they head down to the bar for a drink. Oh, and one other thing: the loser gets a remote-control vibrator stuck in the front of her thong. (Sadly, hotel security took a dim view of this, and made her remove it... the vibrator, not the thong.) Good times, and a pair of very nice tits swinging free in public.

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